Monday 14 November 2011

Module 7


Mmm Delicious! I wont lie, these modules are getting more exciting as the weeks progress and I cannot wait to find some more delicious recipes (sites/modules/programs) that will entice my pallet.  What a fantastic and useful tool Delicious is. 


By far the most appealing feature of delicious was the amount of time that can be saved. There is no need for endless scrolling through search results in google anymore.... I don't have to select page 6 to find what I want or lead my students into useless, unreliable and invalid computer lessons before they finally get somewhere. 

 Stacks are a great way to organise links and scaffold learning but in particular research surrounding the learning of a topic. Love Delicious!

Wednesday 9 November 2011

Module 6


As an active member of social networking and Facebook, Flickr naturally appealed to me. It's extremely simple and focuses on the sharing of image; a tool which could be used not only in social networking but also in professional dialogue and visual networking.

After all, they say a picture is worth a thousand words- the more pictures, the more 'words' you're able to share with your online 'friends' and with your class.

Tuesday 2 August 2011

Module 5

(Create a blog entry about your experiences in Module 5 or how you might use mindmapping, Glogster or Prezi in the classroom.)

Mindmapping has been around for as long as I can remember, throughout my school and my teaching. A mind map is a diagram used to represent words, ideas, tasks, or other items linked to and arranged around a central key word or idea. It is a great tool to build the field and establish the context behind any unit of work or the central ideas.

A fantastic website I came across thanks to a collegue is SNAPPYWORDS. Not only does it automatically create a mindmap through simply typing in your key concept, it then provides definitions and synonyms for all the others words that branch out (see image below). Cool? I think so.

                                                   Image above:


Glogster has immense potential across KLAs in particular, visual representations and the explicit teaching of visual literacy. It would also be beneficial in structuring and sculpting the planning process of creative and persuasive tasks.  I'm looking forward to using this application in my classes.

Tuesday 28 June 2011

Module 4

Create a blog entry about your experiences in Module 4 or how you might use Digital Storytelling in the classroom

This module was fun and a great learning experience. What stood out for me the most was that digital storytelling and podcasts are a great learning tool that allows for information to be shared, downloaded and listened to at any convenience i.e. driving, in bed, traveling and well most obviously in the classroom. The possibilities are also extensive allowing those who use digital storytelling to bring forth their creativity and imagination through music and the audio composition they create.

In the classroom and in particular with assessment I have since utilised podcasts as a way of assessing verbal skills and also a way of saving time. Allowing them to present a speech and presentation on a podcast as opposed to standing up in front of the entire room means that students can be themselves, releasing creative energy and ideas without the fear of humiliation or embarrassment by their peers.
Oral skills are an essential skill found in english.

The final thing that stood out was the fact that digital storytelling was almost like stories told on the radio. They're fun through their inclusion of music and a shift in tone. Podcasts are information in your pocket- if they were an apple product, I'd call them iPocket- allowing you to listen to talkback, lectures, meditation and well, virtually anything.

Module 3

Google Docs.

This was the first time I'd actively used Google Docs.

Although I'm relatively familiar with technology, google ceases to amaze. It is a great tool that can be utilised in my classroom and any classroom particularly activities involving collaboration and data collection.  Being an english teacher Google Docs can be used particularly well with any unit as the course requires a lot of work in textual analysis and understanding which requires different views and opinions. It is also an area of great need for many students, thus using google docs. means that students can work together to battle through dense literature and at the same token learn from one another.

Its easy, simple, fun and is another way for students to work anywhere and anytime. Being able to edit and track the changes that students have made allows for the teacher to see the gradual progression  into their deeper understanding of the texts and unit.

Tuesday 22 March 2011

Module 2


Whether I realised it or not I've been a blogger for the most part of my life. Growing up with technology has meant that blogging was a natural process and a learning tool used in my secondary, tertiary and work life. At university in particular I was actively involved in 'Live Journal' <>, an online blogging community centred around my Literature unit every semester. I got the knack of it in no time and before I knew it I was constantly communicating with those in the World Wide Web and those in my course; sometimes voices I'd never heard, or should I say read, prior to the blog.

Live Journal opened up a world inconceivable to us all, especially those of us not yet connected to the possibilities of the web. It allowed for critical and analytical thought and discussion. Synthesising and fleshing out ancient texts in a new and exciting mode. I still like to visit my Live Journal account from time to time. Enjoying past blogging experiences and looking forward to the new encounters and stimulating relationships I can at any time re-kindle online.
What does all of this mean? Well frankly, It means that for awhile now I’ve been overseeing such a great tool for teaching. Our school based intranet system has “My classes” which undoubtedly can be used as a starting point to introduce the idea of blogging, seeing all students are very familiar and comfortable with it. In fact it’s fair to say that with this generation of tech-wiz-students will definitely be showing me a fair few tricks.

I’m excited about blogger! I’m excited about introducing it as a central point of call and learning means for our texts studied in English. I’m excited about the endless possibilities it will create, the time it will save and the learning it will stimulate through the visual stimuli and communities formed and strengthened through educational conversing. Blogger is in many ways a means by which I can re-kindle my love of Blogging but more importantly, find useful and innovative ways of using it in the classroom (or bringing the classroom home).

Wednesday 9 March 2011

Module 1

Hi my name's Noha Noun and I currently work at Bethlehem College in Ashfield. This year I have a full load of English but I'm also trained to teach History and Religion. Although I wouldnt consider myself completely confused in digital learning and the internets endless possibilities there is definitely always room to learn!

I'm particularly looking forward to using Web 2.0 in the classroom and helping my students with all I've learnt. Just quitely, im also very excited about teaching myself!

On a personal note I enjoy playing sports and socialising with everyone around me. Love good food and good people; nothing better. I've included Adriano Zumbos famous macarons in this post because they are to die for...if you havent tried them- you definitely should.

Until next time! 
